Für Kurzentschlossene: Erhalten Sie
bis 15. Juli einen 15 %-Rabatt
auf Ihre Wochenbuchung in
diesem Sommer (im Chalet)!
Family ski area Niederthai
Ideal conditions for beginners and young talents, but also terrain for more experienced skiers.
Für Kurzentschlossene: Erhalten Sie
bis 15. Juli einen 15 %-Rabatt
auf Ihre Wochenbuchung in
diesem Sommer (im Chalet)!
The exceptionally beautiful snow season
Herzlich willkommen im Winterwonderland – einem Ort, den es zwar überall gibt, aber der bei uns umso schöner ist. Weiße Landschaften soweit das Auge reicht, umgeben von der von Schnee bedeckten Natur und Wintererlebnisse, die Sie begeistern werden.
So viele Möglichkeiten gibt es hier, den Winter in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
Ausgedehnte, romantische Spaziergänge, anspruchsvollere Schneeschuhwanderungen oder abenteuerliche Skitouren sind an der Tagesordnung genauso wie Rodelpartien, Langlaufrunden oder Skischwünge im Familienskigebiet.
A gentle winter in Niederthai
Snowshoe hiking exerts a very special fascination, leads you into the middle of untouched nature and lets you experience the magic of the deep snow-covered landscape as intensively as rarely before. While you take step after step in the fluffy, soft deep snow, or while the hard snow crunches under your snowshoes, otherwise almost the only thing you can hear is the rhythm of your own breath. All around, the forests are silent, the snow crystals glisten and sometimes you come across the trail of a shy forest animal – or even get to see it yourself.
The handling of snowshoes is quite simple and snowshoeing is therefore a gentle fitter for everyone. You quickly learn to appreciate the advantage of leisurely or sporty movement, as it takes you to places where otherwise only very experienced deep-snow skiers can reach.
Niederthai offers a variety of recommendable snowshoe hikes. The more remote a tour is, the better local knowledge or an experienced “scout” is advisable.
Your host Dominique is just the right companion for this. Not only does he himself love snowshoe hiking and knows the immediate and wider surroundings of Niederthai very well, he is also a trained Tyrolean mountain hiking guide.
From Gasthof Stuibenfall, the snowshoe hike can be started literally on the doorstep due to the beautiful location. Once you have experienced the magic of the quiet beauty and soothing seclusion, you will never let go.
Winter hiking on cleared paths also has its charm and promises both deceleration and wonderful panoramas and atmospheric images in winter nature. More than 50 km of well-cleared winter trails, away from the hustle and bustle and traffic, are available for this purpose.
Not only when the mountain slopes sparkle in the sunlight in the distance, winter hiking in Niederthai is also a brilliant idea.
Excellent conditions in the middle of the Ötztal
Cross-country skiing has long been a priority in Niederthai due to the excellent conditions and the attractive range of activities on offer. 31 km of perfectly groomed cross-country trails for all levels of ability stretch through the dreamlike natural scenery and open up the whole variety of cross-country skiing enjoyment.
Niederthai is considered the cross-country skiing centre of the Ötztal and inspires ambitious professionals as well as ski hikers.
Thanks to the snow-sure altitude of over 1,500 metres, cross-country skiers do their rounds here as early as December and even in spring during “sun skiing”.
The terrain is tailor-made for this health-promoting sport: where thousands of years ago a vast lake landscape stretched out, today the Horlach valley around Niederthai enchants with its gentle landscapes, through which a multi-faceted network of cross-country ski trails runs.
Awarded the cross-country skiing seal of approval by the province of Tyrol, all cross-country skiing trails in Niederhai are free of charge and are suitable for both the classic style and the skating technique. A cross-country skiing taster course is offered twice a week, and you can also try your hand at the cross-country biathlon for everyone, including at the laser shooting range with professional supervision. Cross-country skiers are also well looked after by experts at the local ski school.
Niederthai thus offers an excellent opportunity for beginners of all ages, as well as a wide range of activities for experts. As one of the most efficient sports in terms of the cardiovascular system, up to 90 percent of our muscles are exercised as we glide rhythmically through the fairytale winter landscape.
Hardly any other endurance sport combines physical activity with such wonderful tranquillity and an intense experience of nature. In Niederthai, this magical experience is also available in the evening thanks to the illuminated cross-country ski trail.
On the sledge, ready, go!
Tobogganing is real fun for young and old and in Niederthai, thanks to the longest natural toboggan run in the Ötztal (7 km!), it is also a long-lasting pleasure.
First you hike through the beautiful Hochlachtal valley to the Larstigalm (1 h). Here the ascent is relatively low and the toboggan run is therefore also ideally suited for children.
The trail continues to the Schweinfurter Hütte (1 h), from where the descent is quite demanding and brisk.
Another toboggan run in Niederthai (1.5 km) and the Stuibenfall toboggan run (2 km) in Umhausen, both of which are lit once a week in the evening, offer variety.
The Grantau natural toboggan run, however, is reserved for the professionals. As a training facility for the local and neighbouring national teams, it bears witness to the great tradition of the sport locally, home to a world champion and the current two-time overall World Cup winner.
There is a ski kindergarten with all-day supervision and the local ski & snowboard school offers an educational and varied programme for every level and age.
The specially built snow playgrounds for romping and sliding also make children’s hearts beat faster.
Family friendly skiing area
Niederthai presents itself as a family ski area par excellence with its ideal conditions for beginners and young talents, but also with terrain for more experienced skiers.
With 4 kilometres of pistes and 4 lifts, it looks modest compared to the large Tyrolean ski centres. But that is precisely what makes this little snow paradise so appealing.
The unique location alone promises pure winter pleasures for young and old, because 1,500 m above sea level make Niederthai quite snow-sure. And the scenic panorama, including our village, presents itself as a true winter idyll: far from the hustle and bustle, you can make your turns here in a relaxed and elegant way, entirely according to your own ability and speed.
Particularly for families, the other offers of the Niederthai ski area are pleasantly manageable, “relaxed” and close to nature, and are also ideally suited to the needs of children.
Skiing fun in the entire Ötztal valley
Skiing in the Ötztal means enjoying more of everything and boundless variety on the slopes.
There are a total of 6 ski areas, 2 of which are glacier ski areas, over 350 kilometres of pistes and a top infrastructure.
There is something for everyone and it will be a wonderful, snowy winter holiday with perfectly groomed slopes.
There are 12 different lifts and a total of 39 kilometres of pistes at your disposal, including
Familiar manageable
The skiing area of Oetz thus offers varied slopes of all levels of difficulty, is family-friendly and has a good number of rustic huts where you can enjoy excellent food at reasonable prices.
Little ones really big in Hochoetz
Thanks to individual care, the family-friendly Hochoetz ski region has developed into a true Tyrolean insider tip. Comfort and personal care are also a priority off the slopes in Hochoetz.
Snow Village
Welcome to the Snow Village, the first igloo village in Austria. Adventure and tranquillity await you at 2000m above sea level. The location in the middle of the Hochoetz ski area in the Vorderes Ötztal guarantees constant accessibility, whether it is storming or snowing.
Double skiing pleasure
Lifting in Kühtai and fun on the slopes in Hochoetz, that’s the ski region Kühtai – Hochoetz. Both ski areas are connected with a common ski pass! Plus free bus transfer every half hour between Hochoetz (Ochsengarten) and Kühtai.
Multifaceted, unforgettable routes
Niederthai ist aufgrund der Höhenlage (1.548 m) und der umliegenden Bergwelt ein idealer Ausgangspunkt für Skitouren. Vom sanft aufsteigenden Hochtal über imposante Steilhänge und rasante Steilrinnen bis hin zu weitläufigen Gipfelplateaus finden Einsteiger wie auch Experten facettenreiche Routen.
Das einmalige Naturerlebnis in hochalpinen Regionen in Kombination mit herausfordernder sportlicher Betätigung macht jede Skitour zu einer unvergesslichen Erfahrung. Belohnt durch den grandiosen Gipfelblick und das ausgedehnte Gleiten durch den Pulverschnee packt so manchen die Leidenschaft.
Discover the ski touring Eldorado around Niederthai, with brilliant deep snow descents and mostly excellent firn conditions in spring.
For the less experienced, a ski guide who knows the best places and routes is recommended.
Popular tours starting from Niederthai (1,548 m):
– Brand: 2283 m, 2-3 h, 733 hm, easy
• Kraspesspitze: 2954 m, 5-6 h, 1.400 hm, easy to middle
• Hohe Wasserfalle: 3003 m, 7-9 h, 1.490 hm, hard
• Hochreichkopf: 3010 m, 6-7 h, 1.460 hm, medium to hard
• Breiter Griekogel: 3287 m, 7-8 h, 1.740 hm, very hard
Experience the fascination of snow at your leisure
Experience the fascination of snow at your leisure. This is the perfect way to spend a holiday: while grandma and grandpa stroll along romantic winter hiking trails, the little ones can romp for hours on the specially built snow hills with the slide plates. Slightly older children try their first turns on skis and mum and dad do sporty laps on the Niederthaier cross-country trails. Let’s get out in the snow!
The whole fascination of exercise possibilities in the snow, lift and cross-country ski trail use is included in your stay at Gasthof Stuibenfall!
3 Lift facilities
Skiarea Niederthai
The small but fine family and beginners’ ski area offers ideal conditions and enables you to enjoy an instructive and varied holiday.
17 km Loipen und Routen
Langlaufen am Sonnenplateau
Perfekt präparierte Loipen quer durch schneesichere Tal- und Höhenlagen und ideale Langlaufbedingungen lassen Sportler- und Genießerherzen höherschlagen. Für ein besonderes Erlebnis sorgt die beleuchtete Langlaufloipe am Abend.
Cross Country Biathlon(1x)
Langlauf-Biathlon für Jedermann (1x pro Karte)
Mit neuer Laserschießanlage und professioneller Betreuung.
Ob Anfänger oder Profi – jeder kann sein Können ausprobieren.
Erleben Sie eine gemütliche Winterwanderung durch die verschneite Winterlandschaft mit Ihrer Familie. Nach einem genussvollen Gaumenschmaus auf unseren Hütten und Almen geht es mit der Rodel zurück ins Tal.
Zum Toben und Rutschen bieten unsere eigens errichteten Schneespielplätze für unsere kleinen Gäste jede Menge Spaß und Abenteuer. Ein Besuch beim Ötztaler Schneemann mit einem Erinnerungsfoto darf natürlich nicht fehlen.
Stuibenfall Laternenwanderung
Bestaunen Sie das atemberaubende Naturschauspiel bei Nacht – den Stuibenfall – Tirols größter Wasserfall. Gemeinsam mit dem Wanderführer wandern Sie vom Ort über verschneite Winterwege bis hin zum Stuibenfall. Ein unvergessliches Urlaubserlebnis!
Öffentlicher Ski- und Langlaufbus
Der Ski- und Langlaufbus Umhausen-Niederthai bringt Sie in Ihrem Urlaub zu den gewünschten Orten.
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie vor Ort.
Führung alte Dorfschmiede Niederthai
Die Schmiedekunst ist ein uraltes Kunsthandwerk aus der Region und immer noch von großer Bedeutung. Bei der Führung mit Münzprägung durch die Alte Dorfschmiede in Niederthai können Sie dies hautnah miterleben.
Geführte (Schneeschuh-) Winterwanderung
Die Bergnatur in ihrer weißen Märchenpracht genießen und bewundern. Gemütlich wandern Sie mit unserem Naturparkführer durch verschneite Wälder und Wiesen, tanken Energie und Sonne. Zudem erfahren Sie Geheimnisvolles zu den Überwinterungsstrategien der Pflanzen und Tiere.
Sanftes Yoga für Wintersportler (1x pro Karte)
(1 x pro Karte)
Als Ausgleich und zur Entspannung. Ruhe und Balance finden durch gezielte Körper- und Atemübungen mit Yogalehrerin Barbara Schneider.
Alpaka- / Lamawanderung